In addition to the regular A Wall is a Screen short film walks, the team has been working on variations of the original concept over the past few years.
A Wall is Screen by bike
Instead of walking from wall to wall and film to film, the projection team and audience use their bikes to get from one location to the next. This enables us to cover much larger areas and use screening locations that we would not be able to combine on foot. It also allows us to discover areas of the city that are not so easy to reach on foot.
Here you can find the gallery with some photos from one of our bike tours in Hamburg.
A Wall is a Screen Maritim
In 2010 we moved our concept to the water for the first time. In the port of Hamburg it is possible to reach less known parts of the harbor area by small boats, so called launches. The audience accompanied the A Wall is a Screen team on these boats and the films were projected onto other boats, bridges or quay walls. This created a unique new approach to the harbor area, many parts of which are not normally easily accessible - unless you are traveling by your own boat.
Here you can find the gallery with some photos from one of our Maritim tours in Hamburg.
A Wall is a Screen: Hands on
In cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and e.g. the Dokfest Kassel, we have held workshops in which we presented the A Wall is a Screen concept and worked out the curatorial and logistical aspects of one of our tours together with the participants. One example was our tour in Bangkok, Thailand in 2017, where the film and location selection was developed together with a group of filmmakers, curators and archivists from Bangkok. Similar to this we hosted a workshop in Dar Es Salam, Tanzania in 2023, where we worked on one of our tours in cooperation with the collective Ajabu Ajabu with whom together the tour was also presented.
Here you can find the gallery with some photos from our workshop and tour in Bangkok.
We also give presentations on our concept and take part in panel discussions about new ways of film presentation or on the use of the public space for cultural events.
A Wall is a Screen in school
Following the concept of our workshops, but with a larger time frame, we worked with school classes to whom we presented our concept and selected the project location together with them. The films for the screening were then produced by the students themselves in collaboration with instructors.