March 2025
Short film walk in Landshut
as a pre-event to the 25th Landshut Short Film Festival
Tuesday, 18.03. 19:00, meeting point at the town hall (Altstadt 315)
February 2025
Short Film Walk in Clermont-Ferrand, France during the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival celebrating the 20th anniversary of the "Soirée Allemande"
February 4th, Start: 19:00 h, On the side of the Maison de la culture
across from the Salle Conchon
January 2025
Short Film Walk in Bamberg, Germany as a kick-off for the 35th Kurzfilmtage Bamberg.
Saturday, January 18th, Start: 20:00 h, Grüner Markt
November 2024
Short film walk in Eutin, Germany as part of the “Eutin macht mit” project
Saturday, September 16, start: 5:00 p.m., market square
September 2024
Short film walk in Hamburg, Germany during the opening of the Open Monument Day 2024.
Friday, September, 6th, Start: 20:30 h, Springeltwiete/Burchardstraße
June 2024
Short Film Walk in Hamburg, Germany during the 40th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg
Friday June 7th, Start: 22:15 h, Alsterschwimmhalle
The tour starts in the park at the back of the Alsterschwimmhalle
(same tour as on May 17th)
May 2024
Short film walk in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands at the 13th Parish Festival - Jersey Independent Film Festival
Friday, May 23rd, Start: 21:15 h, West’s Center, St Helier
Short Film Walk in Hamburg, Germany as a warm-up for the 40th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg
Friday May 17th, Start: 22:00 h, Alsterschwimmhalle
The tour starts in the park at the back of the Alsterschwimmhalle
(same tour as on June 7th)
April 2024
Short Film Walk as part of the opening of the Kaboom Festival in Utrecht, Netherlands.
Friday, April 5th, Start: 20:45 h, Neude / Lange Jansstraat
March 2024
Short Film Walk in Zurich, Switzerland during the "Night of the Living Cinemas" in cooperation with the cinemas Riffraff, Xenix, Houdini and Uto.
Friday, March 15th, Start: 20:00h in front of Cinema Riffraff, Neugasse 57
You can find more info here.
Short Film Walk during the Internationale Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg in Regensburg, Germany
Friday, March 8th, Start: 20:00 h Steinerne Brücke / Innenstadtseite
January 2024
Short Film Walk and Familytour in Westerland/Sylt, Germany during the Sylter Sturmwoche
Saturday, January 13th, Start: 18:00 h at Rathaus Westerland, Andreas-Nielsen-Straße
Sunday, January 14th Familytour Start: 17:00 h, Neue Mitte Westerland
December 2024
Short Film Walk and Workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in cooperation with Ajabu Ajabu
Workshop: December 14th/15th, Goethe-Institut Dar es Salaam
Tour:Saturday December 16th, Start: 18:30 h, Kisutu Market
November 2023
Short film walk in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg East in cooperation with the Stadtteilbüro Wilhelmsburg-Ost
Thursday, November 30th, Start: 17:30 h, Maximilian Kolbe Kirche, Krieterstraße 9
Short film walk in Kassel, Germany as part of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival
Friday, Nov. 17th, Start 20:15 h - Wilhelmshöher Allee 19-12 (Kreishaus Kassel)
October 2023
Short film walk in Braunschweig, Germany during the Internationalen Filmfest Braunschweig
Saturday, October 21st, Start: 19:00 h Ringerbrunnen
September 2023
Short Film Walk in Telgte, Germany as part of the 375 Jahre Westfälischer Frieden anniversary.
Saturday, September 23, Start: 20:00 Rathaus Telgte.
Short film walk in Bristol, UK in cooperation with the Encounters Festival and Bristol City of Film
Saturday September 16th, Start: 20:00h, Corn Street
June 2023
Short film walk in Bristol, UK in cooperation with Encounters Festival and Bristol City of Film.
Friday June, 30th Start: Corn Street, Time: tba
20 years of A Wall is a Screen! Anniversary tour in Hamburg, Germany before and during the Kurzfilm Festivals Hamburg. (Same program as on May 26th)
Friday, June 9th Start: 22:15 h Mönckebergbrunnen, Mönckebergstrasse
May 2023
20 years of A Wall is a Screen! Anniversary tour in Hamburg, Germany before and during the Kurzfilm Festivals Hamburg. (Same program as on June 9th)
Friday, May 26th Start: 22:15 h Mönckebergbrunnen, Mönckebergstrasse
Short film walk in St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands at the 13th Parish Festival - Jersey Independent Film Festival
Friday, May 19th, Start: tba
Short film walk in Osnabrück, Germany in cooperation with the Frauenberatungsstelle Osnabrück as part of the program to celebrate 375 years of Westfälischer Friede.
Saturday, May 6th, Start: 21:30 h in front of OsnabrückHalle
April 2023
Short film walk in Toronto, Canada at the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival.
Saturday, April 29th, Start: 21:00 h, Ontario Place, West Commons. From 20:30 h pre-show and doors opening.
March 2023
Short film walk in Hamburg-Rahlstedt Ost in cooperation with the Stadtteilbüro Rahlstedt-Ost.
Friday March 31st, Start: 20:15, Stadtteilbüro Rahlstedt-Ost, Hegeneck 7-9, 22149 Hamburg
Short film walk during the Kaboom Animation Festivals in Utrecht, Niederlande.
Friday March 24th, Start: 20:00 h, Neude 37-39 zijkant Cafe de Beurs
January 2023
Short film walk in Westerland auf Sylt/Germany during the Sylter Sturmwoche.
Friday, Jan. 20th, Start: 18:00 h, corner of Friedrichstr. / Neue Strasse
December 2022
Family tour in Hamburg-Rahlstedt Ost in cooperation with the Stadtteilbüro Rahlstedt-Ost. Family program with films suitable for children from 4 years and up.
Tuesday, Dec. 6th, Start: 17:30 h, Stadtteilbüro Hegeneck 13
November 2022
Short film walk in Kassel, Germany as part of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival
Friday, Nov. 18th, Start 20:15 h - Jordanstraße 6, right behind the GLORIA cinema
Short film walk in Winterhur, Switzerland at the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur.
Friday, November 11th, Start: 19:30 h, oxyd-Kunsträume, Vogelsangstrasse 4
October 2022
Short film walk at the Uppsala Short Film Festival, Sweden
Friday, Oct. 28th, Start: 19:00 h at the Regina Kino
Saturday, Oct. 29th, Familytour Start: 17:30 h at the Regina Kino
A Wall is a Screen: A roof above your head. Short film walk in Hamburg, Germany along the theme of homelessness
Saturday, Oct. 22nd, Start: 19:00 h at the Agentur für Arbeit, Kurt-Schumacher-Allee 16.
September 2022
Short film walk in Hamburg and in Katowice, Poland in cooperation with the German-Polish Society Hamburg e.V. and the Ars Independent Festival Katowice.
The two short film tours will take place simultaneously in Hamburg and in Katowice. Polish short films with German subtitles will be presented in Hamburg-Neuwiedenthal and German short films with Polish subtitles will be shown in Katowice.
Katowice: Saturday, September 24th, Start 20:00 - DWORZEC PKP, PL. ANDRZEJA, Katowice
Hamburg: Saturday, September 24th, Start 20:00 - Ottenser Hauptstrasse 1 (the tour was originally planned to take place in Hamburg-Neuwiedenthal but had to be moved to Altona for organizational reasons.
Short film walk in Dresden, Germany for the 20th anniversary of the German Short Film Association AG Kurzfilm.
Tuesday, September 13th, Start: 20:00 Uhr, GEH8 Kunstraum und Ateliers e.V., Gehestrasse 8
Short film walk in Baden, Switzerland during the Fantoche - Internationales Festival für Animationsfilm
Saturday, September 10th. Start: 20:30 h Festivalzentrum, Merker Areal
June 2023
Short film walk in Ingolstadt in cooperation with the International Short Film Festival 20Minmax on the occasion of the founding anniversary of the Hohe Schule on the theme of 'Frankenstein'.
25.06., Start 22:00 - Hohe Schule (Goldknopfgasse/Hohe-Schul-Strasse).
Short film walk in Hamburg during the 38th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, (same tour as May 21).
June 3rd , Start 22:15 - S-Bahnhof Diebsteich at the underpass Plöner Strasse
May 2022
Short film walk in Hamburg as a pre-event to the 38th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg
May 21, Start 22:15 - S-Bahnhof Diebsteich at the underpass Plöner Strasse
Short film walk in Augsburg in cooperation with Augsburg Marketing
May 14, Start: 21:15 - Augustusbrunnen at the town hall square
Short film walk in Bremen, on the occasion of Europe Week and in cooperation with EuropaPunktBremen on the theme "Scenes of upheaval" Cinema Europa
07 May, Start: 21:30, BLG Forum, Am Speicher XI, 28217 Bremen
April 2022
Performance to Kick-Off Go Short - International Short Film Festival in Nijmegen / Netherlands.
April 1st, Start: 20:00 h, Grote Markt
March 2022
Performance during REGARD - International Short Film Festival in Saguenay, Québec / Canada. With the kind support of Telefilm Canada and Goethe Institut Montreal.
March 26th, Start: 19:30 h, Ruelle du Court
Dezember 2021
Children's tours in Luebeck, Germany in cooperation with UrbanProjection
December 10th, in Lübeck-St.Lorenz Süd. Start: 17:00 h Luna Park / Hanseplatz
December 11th, in Lübeck-Moisling. Start: 17:00 h at Quartiermanagement Oberbüssauer Weg 4
Screening in Hamburg-Marmstorf, Germany as part of a project in coopersstion with the Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium during which students produced filme for A Wall is a Screen.
December 7th Start: 17:00 h on the corner of Feuerteichweg / Brandweg
3G event, mandatory check-in on site required.
November 2021
November 25th, Start: 17:00 h
Screening in Hamburg in cooperation with Mo & Friese Junges Kurzfilm Festival n Hamburg Altona.
Participation with registration at kinder(at)
With the kind support of Hamburgische Kulturstiftung and Hildegard-Sattelmacher-Stiftung
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Hamburgischen Kulturstiftung und Hildegard-Sattelmacher-Stiftung
Screening in Kassel as part of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival
November 19, beginning 8:30 p.m. at Filmladen
Two screenings in Alcala de Henares, Spain as part of the ALCINE Festival Intercional de Cine
November 5 and 6, beginning 19 pm - Calle de Mayor "Crossing" Calle San Felipe Neri
October 2021
Canadian short films at the Frankfurt Book Fair
2 tours on 21 and 23 October 2021 in downtown Frankfurt in cooperation with the three Canadian film festivals Vancouver International Film Festival, imagineNative and REGARD, as well as with the DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut and Filmmuseum
Free registration and more Info here:
Starting location will be announced after registration.
Performance in Aarhus, Denmark in cooperation mit dem PROUD Filmfestival
October 2nd, 20:00 h, Start: Pustervig Torv
This tour is presented in cooperation with the Hamburg International Queer Film Festival, Filmby Aarhus and with the support of the city of Hamburg.
September 2021
A Wall is a Screen by bike: Hamburg. Bike tour in cooperation with Fahrradtour in Filmfest Hamburg and "Fahr ein schönes Hamburg".
September 15th, 20:00 h, the starting point will be sent to you after your registration.
The tour has limited capacity to follow the actual corona guidelines. Please register here. First come, first serve.
August 2021
Performance in Offenbach am Main in cooperation with the goEast-Festival
August 28, 9 pm
Starting point Café am Rathaus, 18 Stadthof, Offenbach am Main
Audience must register via Corona warning app or contact form on site.
Access to our events only with valid proof of complete recovery (not older than 6 months), complete vaccination (with digital vaccination card or vaccination book) or a negative Corona rapid test (not older than 24 hours).
Performance in Hamburg, Germany in cooperation with "It's a Match! Burning Questions of Art. Series 0: Choreographers" in the context of the International Summer Festival Kampnagel 2021
August 20, start 21:00
Link to the event and registration
Performance in Hamburg-Barmbek, Germany as part of the W3_ project "global work".
Saturday, August 14, 9:30 p.m.
The starting point will be announced in the registration confirmation. Limited number of participants. Registration at info(at)
Performance in Hamburg, Germany in cooperation with and as a contribution of the Künstlerhaus Westwerk to the Hamburg Summer of Culture under the motto: "Reclaim the Fleets
Friday, August 13, 9:30 pm
More information: -> External link
Registration mandatory -> Click here
The exact starting location will be sent to all registered participants the day before the event, as well as all information about the applicable hygiene and behavioral rules.
July 2021
Performance in Paris, France in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Paris, the City of Hamburg and La Villette.
July 10, start 22:00
Rue Edgar Varèse, derrière le Conservatoire (devant le jardin de la petite halle)
October 2020
Performance in Bremen, Germany in cooperation with the City46 Kino.
October 3rd, Start 20:15 h
Please register for the event at: anmeldung-awias(at)
September 2020
Performance in Wiesbaden-Klarenthal, Germany in cooperation with goEast Filmfestival, DFF and KulturFonds Frankfurt RheinMain.
18th of September, Start: 21h15
Meeting Point: Mix-Markt, Klarenthal.
**Participation only by registration on location. Maximum capacity 50 participants. Free of charge, as always.
August 2020
Performance in Hamburg, Germany in cooperation with Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein for the 40th anniversary of film funding in Hamburg.
August 29th, Start: 21:00 h
It is mandatory to sign up for this tour. SORRY, ALL TICKETS ARE GONE
March 2020
Performance during the Tampere Film Festival in Tampere, Finland.
March 6th, Start: 19:00 h, Tampere Theatre (Keskustori 2)
March 7th, Family Tour, Start: 18:30 h, Väinö Linna Square
January 2020
Performance during the Tromsö International Film Festivals in Tromsö, Norway.
January 15th, Start: 18:00 h, Stortorget
December 2019
Children's and Family tour in Hamburg, Germany in cooperation with the Mo&Friese Kinder Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg.
December 11th, Start: 17:00 h, Zeisehallen, Friedensallee 7
November 2019
Performance in Kassel, Germany during the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival.
November 15th, Start: 21:00 h, Kulturbahnhof Kassel
Performance in Dunoon, Scotland during Dunoon Film Festival
November 9th, Start: 18:30 h Pier Building
October 2019
Performances in Uppsala, Sweden during the International Shortfilmfestival Uppsala.
October 25th (Halloweenspecial), Start: 20:30 h, place:tba
October 26th (Familytour), Start: 17:30 h, place:tba
Performance in Toronto, Canada during the ImagineNAtive Filmfestival.
October 23rd, Start: tba
A Wall is a Screen by bike: Hamburg
Bicycletour in cooperation with "Fahr ein schöneres Hamburg" during the Filmfest Hamburg.
October 2nd and 3rd, 19:45 h, Start: Hafen City Universität, Überseeallee Ecke Shanghaiallee
September 2019
Performance in the City Nord in Hamburg, Germany during the Open Monument Day.
September 7th, Start: 20:30 h U-Bahn Sengelmannstrasse Exit City Nord
August 2019
Performances during the 150th anniversary of the Hamburger Kunsthalle in Hamburg, Germany
August 30th and 31st, Start: 21:00 h in front of the main entrance
Performance in Odense, Denmark during the Odense International Film Festivals
August 30th, Start: 21:00 h, ODEON, Odeons Kvarter 1
July 2019
Performance in Hamburg, Germany for the 30th anniversary of Lesbisch Schwulen Filmtage Hamburg / International Queer Film Festival
July 27th , Start: 21:45 h Beim Grünen Jäger / Ecke Stresemannstr.
Performance in Landshut, Germany in cooperation with the Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival
July 27th, Start: 21:30 h at Maxwehr
June 2019
Performance in Ahlen, Germany, during the Science Fiction Festivals of the Kulturzentrum Schuhfabrik
June 14th, Start: 22:22 h, in front of the Ahlen town hall
Performance in Hamburg, Germany during the 35th Kurzfilm Festivals Hamburg.
June 7th, Start: 22:15 h, Kleine Bahnstraße (near S-Bahn Diebsteich)
Mai 2019
A Wall is a Screen: By bike through the Hamburg harbour.
Warming-up for the 35th Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg.
May 25th, Start: 22:15 h at the southern entrance of the old Elbtunnel.
You will need to bring your bike to take part in this tour.
April 2019
Performance in Rostock, Germany during the FiSH - Festival im Stadthafen
April 27th, Start: 21:15 h, FRIEDA 23
March 2019
Performance Ingolstadt, Germany during the 20minmax Short Film Festival
March 30th, Start: 20:15 h, Theatervorplatz
Performance in Regensburg, Germany during the International Short Film Week Regensburg.
March 16th, Start: 19:00 h, Kalmünzergasse / Ecke Ostengasse
November 2018
Performances in Alcala de Henares, Spain during the Alcine Festival
November 9th and 10th, Start: 19:00 Uhr, Calle Mayor / San Felipe Neri
October 2018
Performances in Uppsala, Sweden during the International Shortfilmfestival Uppsala
October 26th, Start: 19:00 h, Central Passage, Uppsala Central Train Station
October 27th, (children's tour), Start: 17:30 h, Svartbäcksgatan 7, Guldsmethuset
Performance in Osnabrück, Germany during the Independent Filmfest Osnabrück
October 6th, Start: 19:30 h, Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Lotter Str. 2
September 2018
Performance in Marseille, France as part of the Project Fokus Hamburg of the Goethe-Instituts Marseille.
September 28th, Start: 21:45 h, corner of g rue de la mûre/rue des consuls
Presented in Cooperation with Friche la Belle de Mai and Kino Gyptis
Performance during the "New Hamburg" Festival in Hamburg-Veddel, Germany
September 22nd, Start: 20:00 h, S-Bahnhof Veddel / Wilhelmsburger Platz
Supported by Diakonie Hamburg
Performance in the Osterbrookviertel in Hamburg-Hamm, Germany
September 14th, Start: 20:15 h, Löschplatz Hammer Deich / Steinbeker Strasse
Performance in Hamburg, Germany during the Open Monuments Day
September 8th, Start: 20:30 h, Präsident-Krahn-Straße (in front of House 15)
August 2018
Performance in Leith, Scotland in cooperation with Leith Creative as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
August 11th, Start: 21:30 h outside of the Newkirkgate Shopping Centre
Performance in Weimar, Germany during the Genius Loci Festivals.
August 10th and 11th, Start: 22:00 h, Theaterplatz (left side)
June 2018
Performance in Hamburg, Germany during the 34th Hamburg International Short Film Festival.
June 8th, Start: 22:30 h in front of Bahnhof Altona, Paul-Nevermann-Platz
May 2018
Performance in Hamburg-Harburg, Germany as part of the 25th anniversary of the Tutech Innovations GmbH and as a warm-up for the the 34th Hamburg International Short Film Festival.
May 25th, Start: Harburger Schlossstr. 6-12, Pre-drinks from 21:00 h, tour starts at 22:05 h
April 2018
Performance in Dresden, Germany during the Filmfest Dresden
April 20th, Start: 20:30 h, Rundkino Dresden, Prager Str. 6
Performance in Tallinn, Estonia
April 14th, Start: 21:00 h in front of Kino Soprus, Vana-Post 8
Presented in cooperation with the city of Hamburg, Goethe-Institut Estonia, PÖFF Shorts and ShortEST
March 2018
Performance in Poznan, Poland during the Shortwaves Festival
March 23rd, Start: 19:30 h Galerie Miejska Arsenal, Stary Rynek 6
December 2017
Performance in Bangkok, Thailand as part of the Übermut Project
Dezember 13th, Start: 18:30 h, Pier 1 between River City Centre and Royal Orchid Sheraton
November 2017
Performance in Wiesbaden, Germany during the exground Filmfestival
November 18th, Start: 21:00 h in front of the Hessischer Landtag / Grabenstr.
Performance in Kassel, Germany during the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival.
November 17th, Start: 21:00 h, Opernplatz
October 2017
Performances in Uppsala, Sweden
during the International Short Film Festival Uppsala
October 27th, Start: 19:00 h Vaksala Torg (For Grown Ups)
October 28th Start: 17:30 h, Stora Torget (Family Tour)
Performance in Toronto, Canada during the imagineNative Film Festival
October 19th, Start: 19:30 h at the Art Gallery of Ontario (Dundas/McCaul)
Presented in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Toronto. Thank you to Lufthansa for flying us!
September 2017
Performance in Quebec, Canada during the Festival de Cinéma de la Ville de Québec.
September 21st, Start: 20:00 h, Place d'Youville
A Wall is a Screen is supported by the Goethe Institut and is part of "Germany@Canada 2017 - Partners from Immigration to Innovation", a special cultural program presented by the Goethe-Institut and the German Embassy highlighting the German-Canadian friendship in honour of Canada's sesquicentennial year.
Performance in Hamburg, Germany during the Open Monuments Day
September 9th, Start: 21:00 h, Rathausmarkt at the Bucerius Kunstforum
Performance in Odense, Denmark during the Odense International Film Festivals
September 1st, Start: 21:00 h place: (Gronnegarde, main entrance Brandtsmuseum)
July 2017
Performance during the 10th Französische Filmtage in Hamburg, Germany in cooperation with the Metropolis Kino
July 14th, Start: 22:00 h, Caffamacherreihe / Valentinskamp
Performance during the "Brühler Sommer" in Brühl, Germany in cooperation with Zoom Kino e.V.
July 1st, Start: 22:30 h, Franziskanerhof (in front of the Zoom Kino)
June 2017
Performance during the 33rd Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
June 9th, Start: 22:30 h, place: Friedensallee 254, in front of the high rise
Presented with the generous support of the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung
May 2017
Warming up for the 33rd Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
May 27th, Start: 22:30 h, place: Friedensallee 254, in front of the high rise
Presented with the generous support of the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung
A Wall is a Screen: The Exhibition. "From India to Regensburg"
May 24th - 27th, Kolbenhof Halle 5, Friedensallee 128, 22763 Hamburg
Performance in Ingolstadt, Germany during the International Shortfilm Festival 20min max
May 20th, Start: 21:15 h, Stadttheater Ingolstadt
Performance in Brighton, UK during the Great Escape Brighton Festival
May 18th, Start: 21:30 h, Brighton Pier
March 2017
Performance in Glasgow, Scotland during the Glasgow Short Film Festival,
in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Glasgow
March 18th: Start: 20:00 h, Argyle Street rail station (outside Osborne Street entrance)
November 2016
Performance in Kaiserslautern, Germany at the TU Kaiserslautern campus
November 29th, Start: 18:00 h, in front of building 42
Performance in Wiesbaden, Germany during the exground filmfest
November 11th, Start: 21:00 h, Kunsthaus, Schulberg 10
October 2016
Performance in Uppsala, Schweden
Part of the Uppsala International Shortfilmfestival
Oktober 28th, Start: 19:00 h at Celsiushuset
Performance in Mannheim, Germany in cooperation with the Baukompetenzzentrum, the German Architects Association and MEA Maison européenne de l'architecture.
October 14th, Start; 19:30 h in front of the Paul Gerhard Church, Paul-Gerhard-Strasse 6
Performance during the Nordisk Panorama in Malmö, Sweden
September 17th, Start: 20:00 h, Cinema Panora
Performance in Gothenburg, Sweden
Part of the "Hamburg On Tour - Hej: Gothenburg" event of the Hamburg Convention Bureau
September 9th and 10th, Start: 20:30 h, Gustav Adolfs Torg
Performance in Hamburg, Germany at Osdorfer Born in cooperation with "Stadtteiltourismus Osdorfer Born c/o ProQuartier
September 2nd, Start: 21:00 h Born Center in front of the Bornheide entrance
Performance in Odense, Denmark during the Odense International Film Festivals
September 1st, Start: 21:00 h place: Rosenbæk Torv
August 2016
Performance during the Dokufest in Prizren, Kosovo
6. August, Start 22:00 h, Shadervan Square
July 2016
A Wall is a Screen: Allez les court-métrages! Performance in Paris, France during the EURO 2016 in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Paris at the Parc de la Villette.
July 9th, Start: 22:00 h, Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse (Parc de la Villette) 209 avenue Jean Jaurès
A Wall is a Screen: Allez les court-métrages! Performance in Lyon, France during the EURO 2016 in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Lyon.
July 8th, Start: 22:00 h, Place des Archives
June 2016
A Wall is a Screen: Allez les court-métrages! Performance in Lille, France during the EURO 2016 in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Lille
June 24th, Start: 22:30 h, Maison Folie Wazemmes, 70 rue des Sarrazins
Performance during the Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
June 3rd, Start: 22:15 h, place: University Campus, Von-Melle-Park 6
May 2016
Warming-up for the Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
May 21st, Start: 22:15 h, place: University Campus, Von-Melle-Park 6
Performance in Ingolstadt, Germany during the International Shortfilm Festival 20min max
May 13th, Start: 21:15 h, Stadttheater Ingolstadt
Performance for the re-opening of the newly renovated Hamburger Kunsthalle in Hamburg, Germany.
May 5th, Start 21:45 h, main entrance
April 2016
Performance for the re-opening of the newly renovated Hamburger Kunsthalle in Hamburg, Germany.
April 30th, Start 21:45 h, main entrance
March 2016
Performance at the International Short Film Week Regensburg/Germany
March 12th, Start 19:00 h, In front of the main train station
November 2015
Performance in Wiesbaden, Germany during the exground Filmfestival
November 14th, Start: 20:00 h in front of the Schlachthof
Performance in Kassel, Germany during the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival.
November 13th, Start: 21:00 h, Fredericianum
October 2015
Performance in Mannheim, Germany in cooperation with the Baukompetenzzentrum
October 9th, Start: 19:30 h at the Alte Feuerwache, Brückenstraße 2
September 2015
Performance at the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg, Germany
September 26th, Start: 20:00 h at Freiheit und Roosen (corner of Kleine Freiheit / Paul-Roosen-Strasse)
Performance in Hoyerswerda, Germany
September 26th, Start: 20:00 h at Lausitzhalle
Performance in Copenhagen, Denmark
Part of the "Hamburg On Tour - Next stop: Copenhagen" event of the Hamburg Convention Bureau and presented in cooperation with the Buster Children and Youth Festival and the Copenhagen Architecture Festival in Copenhagen, Denmark
September 18th and 19th, Start: 20:00 h, Nytorv Square (court house)
Performance in Neumünster, Germany during the Kunstflecken Festival
September 11th, Start: 20:30 h, in front of Karstadt, Großflecken 4-10
August 2015
Performance in Odense, Denmark during the Odense International Film Festivals
August 28th, Start: 20:45 h Farvergarden
July 2015
Performance in Paris, France in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Paris
July 18th, Start: 22:00 h Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse (Parc de la Villette) 209 avenue Jean Jaurès
Goethe Institut Paris - web link
Performance during the 31st Hamburg International Short Film Festival
June 12th, Start: 22:30 h, Grosse Elbstrasse 84 (across from "Hafenklang")
May 2015
Warming up for the 31st Hamburg International Short Film Festival
May 30th, Start: 22:30 h, Grosse Elbstrasse 84 (across from "Hafenklang")
April 2015
Performance in Schwerin, Germany
as a warm up event for the 25th Filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
April 30th, Start: 21:15 h, in front of the Capitol Cinema
March 2015
Performance in Glasgow, Scotland during the Glasgow Short Film Festival,
in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Glasgow
March 14th, Start: 19:30 h, outside CCA (Centre for Contemporary Arts) Terrace Bar
350 Sauchiehall Street/Scott Street.
Performance in Tampere, Finland during the Tampere Film Festival
March 6th, Start: 19:00 h, Väinö Linna Square
February 2015
Performance in Clermont-Ferrand, France during the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival celebrating the 10th anniversayr of the "Soirée Allemande"
February 3rd, 20:30 h, Start at Hotel Oceania, 82 Boulevard François Mitterrand
January 2015
Performance in Tromsö, Norway during the Tromsö International Film Festivals
January 16th, Start: 18:00h, Hurtigruten Dock
November 2014
Performance in Wiesbaden, Germany during the exground Filmfestival
November 14th, Start: 21:30 h at Murnau Filmtheater
Performance in Bramfeld, Germany
in cooperation with Kulturzentrum Brakula, Bramfelder Kulturladen e.V.
November 8th, Start: 19.30 Uhr Bramfelder Marktplatz, Hamburg
Performance in Osaka, Japan - 25 years of city partnership Osaka-Hamburg,
in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Osaka
November 1st, Start: 18:00 Uhr, Pier/Kawanoeki "Hachikenya", 1UG 1-6 Kitahama Higashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi
October 2014
Performance in Osaka, Japan - 25 years of city partnership Osaka-Hamburg,
in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Osaka
October 31st, Start: 18:00 Uhr, Pier/Kawanoeki "Hachikenya", 1UG 1-6 Kitahama Higashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi
Performance in Tubingen, Germany during the annual conference of the German Animation Association, hosted and organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Media Research of the Eberhard Karls University Tubingen.
October 25th, Start: 20:00 h , Holzmarkt
Center for Interdisciplinary Media Research of the Eberhard Karls University Tubingen
Performance during the Scotiabank Nuit Blanche in Toronto, Canada in cooperation with the Goethe Institut Toronto
October 4th, Start: 20:00 h and 23:00 h in front of the Goethe Institut (University and King)
September 2014
Performance at the Reeperbahn Festival 2014 in Hamburg, Germany
September 20th, Start: 20:00 h at Heiligengeistfeld, Millerntorstadion Entrance Südtribühne/Gegengerade
A Wall is a Screen Maritime, Hamburg, Germany
A Wall is a Screen is taking a cruise through Hamburgs harbour, projecting films on ships, docks and waterfronts.
All tours are completely SOLD OUT. There will be NO tickets available at the dock.
September 5th 21:00 h
September 6th 20:30 h and 23:00 h
Start: Pier Messberg (behind Deichtorhallen)
Supported by the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung and in cooperation with Maritime Circle Line.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Hamburgischen Kulturstiftung und in Koperation mit der Maritime Circle Line.
August 2014
A Wall is a Screen Maritime, Hamburg, Germany
A Wall is a Screen is taking a cruise through Hamburgs harbour, projecting films on ships, docks and waterfronts.
All tours are completely SOLD OUT. There will be NO tickets available at the dock.
August 29th 21:00 h
August 30th 20:30 h and 23:00 h, Start: Pier Messberg (behind Deichtorhallen)
Supported by the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung and in cooperation with Maritime Circle Line.
Performance during the Genius Loci Festival in Weimar, Germany
August 15th and 16th, Start: 22:00 h Courtyard of the Universitätsbibliothek / Brauhausgasse
Performance in Hamburg, Germany during the Rote Flora Festwochen
August 8th, Start: 21:30 h, Schanzenstrasse next to S-Bahn Sternschanze
Performance in Vienna, Austria during the "Hamburg on Tour" event
August 1st and 2nd, Start: 22:00 h, Urania, Uraniastr. 1
A Wall is a Screen: Vienna takes place in cooperation with the Vienna Independent Shorts Festival during the "Hamburg on Tour" event and is supported by the Hamburg Convention Bureau
July 2014
Performance in Frankfurt-Höchst, Germany in collaboration with the cinema Valentin
during the Tage der Industriekultur Rhein-Main
July 26th, Start: 21:45 h, Bahnhof Höchst - Bruno Asch Anlage
June 2014
A Wall is a Screen: Once upon a time... Performance during the Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
June 6th, Start: 22:30 h, Beerenweg 1d (behind the NH Hotel)
May 2014
A Wall is a Screen: Once upon a time... Warming-Up for the Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
May 24th, Start: 22:30 h, Beerenweg 1d (behind the NH Hotel)
Performance in Hoyerswerda, Germany in cooperation with the Kulturfabrik Hoyerswerda
May 3rd, Start: 21:00 Kulturfabrik Zwischenbelegung, Alte Berliner Str. 26
April 2014
Performance at the International Short Film Festival Dresden/Germany
April 16th, Start 20h30, Brühlsche Terasse (Nähe Schlossplatz)
March 2014
Performance at the International Short Film Week Regensburg/Germany
March 22nd, Start 19h00, Neupfarrplatz
January 2014
Performances during the Upvan Arts Festivals in Thane/Mumbai, India
January 10th, 20:00 h
January 11th, 19:00 h
January 12th, 19:00 h
November 2013
Performance at the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival in Kassel, Germany
November 16th Start: 20:00 h, Kulturbahnhof Kassel
Performance in Wiesbaden, Germany during the exground Filmfestival
November 15th, Start: 21:00 h, Luisenplatz
Performance at the ALCINE Festival in
Alcalá de Henares, Spain
November 8th and 9th, Start: 19:00 h, Calle Mayor
October 2013
Performance at the Klappe auf! Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany.
October 25th, Start: 20:00h, Metropolis Kino, Kleine Theaterstrasse 10
Performance at the IndieCork Festival in Cork, Ireland
October 19th, Start: 20:00 h, in front of St.Anne's church
Supported by the Goethe Institut
September 2013
Performance at the Reeperbahn Festival 2013 in Hamburg, Germany
September 28th 2013, Start: 20:00 h at Freiheit & Roosen, Kleine Freiheit 80 (Ecke Paul-Roosen-Straße)
A Wall is a Screen at Neugraben-Fischbek, Hamburg, Germany
September 13th 2013, Start: 20:30 h Süderelbeweg/Marktpassage
In cooperation with the Kulturhaus Süderelbe, SAGA GWG, ProQuartier and Quartiersentwicklung Neugraben
Performance in the occasion of the Open Monuments Day Hamburg
September 7th 2013, Start: 20:30 h, Deichtorplatz (Entrance Cityhof Buildings)
In cooperation with the Monument Conservation Office
August 2013
Performances in Amantea , Italy during the
La Guarimba Film Festival
August 6th: Start at 21:00 h, Principal Square, Campora San Giovanni
August 8th: Guerilla screening after midnight in Amantea
Several projections in cooperation with the Thalia Theater
during the "Festival D'Avignon" in Avignon, France
July 10th and 11th
Start July 10th: 21:45 h, Cloître des Célestins (Place des Corps Saints)
Start July 11th: 21:45 h, tba.
Performance in cooperation with the "Schuhfabrik" Ahlen, Germany
July 5th and 6th, Start: 22:15 h,"Schuhfabrik", Königsstrasse 7
June 2013
Performances during the Open City Docs Fest in London, UK
June 21st and 22nd, Start: 22:00 h, "The Hub" Malet Street
Performance during the Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
June 7th, Start: 22:15 h S-Bahn Hammerbrook
Warming-Up for the Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
May 11th, Start: 22:00 h, S-Bahn Hammerbrook
April 2013
Performance in Dresden at the 25th International Short Film Festival Dresden
April 18th, Start: 20:30 h, meeting at the Golden Rider (Neustädter Markt)
Performance during the CPH PIX festival in Copenhagen, Denmark.
April 13rd, Start: 21:00 h, Dronning Louises Bro
March 2013
Performance in Hamburg, Germany in cooperation with the MobileMovie Schoolproject. Films by students made on mobile devices.
March 25th, Start: 19:30 h, Europa Passage / Mönckebergstrasse
Performance in Osnabrueck, Germany in cooperation with Women's Information Centre Osnabrueck to celebrate International Women's Day
March 8th, Start: 19:00 h, Oewer de Hase / Georgstraße
Performance in Brighton, UK
March 2nd Start: 18:30 h, Jubilee Square
Sick! International Arts Festival
November 2012
Performance in Wiesbaden, Germany during the exground Filmfestival
November 16th, Start: 21:00 h, Caligari
Performance at the ALCINE Festival
Alcalá de Henares, Spain
November 9th and 10th, Start: 19:00 h, corner of Calle Mayor and Calle San Felipe Negri
October 2012
Performance at the reopening of the design collection at the
Museum for Arts and Crafts Hamburg, Germany
October 20th, 16:00 h and October 21st, 15:00 h
Start: Bridge across the main stairwell
Both tours are part of the official opening programme, the tickets for the museum are € 8,-/5,-.
September 2012
Performance at the festival Kunstflecken Kulturfestival in Neumünster, Germany
September 29th 2012, Start: 20:00 h, at the parking lot Sagerviertel
Performance at the Reeperbahn Festival 2012 in Hamburg, Germany.
September 22nd 2012, Start: 20:00 h, Kundenzentrum St.Pauli/Bezirksamt
(Simon von Utrecht Strasse 4)
As usual the tour will be without charge and there is no ticket for the Reeperbahn Festival needed to participate.
Performance in Münster, Germany in the occasion of Initiative "1Aa - Münster im Fluss"
September 19th 2012, Start: 20:00 h, University area Siegelkammer in front of the Studiobühne
Performance in the occasion of the Open Monuments Day Hamburg
September 7th 2012, Start: 20:00 h, Television Tower (Lagerstr. 2)
In cooperation with the Monument Conservation Office
June 2012
Performance in Jerusalem
June 21st 2012, Start: 20:00 h, Educational Bookshop, East Jerusalem
Performances during the Kortfilmfestivalen in Grimstad, Norway
June 14th and 15th 2012, Start: 23:30 h, Galleri Café
Performance during the Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
June 1st 2012, 22:00 h, Start: U-Bahn Feldstrasse
May 2012
Warming-Up for the Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
May 12th 2012, 22:00 h, Start: U-Bahn Feldstrasse
March 2012
Performances during the Kurzfilmwoche in Regensburg, Germany
March 17th 2012, Starting point: tba
Performances during the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas, USA
March 10th - 17th 2012
Meet us at the Hamburg booth at the SXSW Trade Show
January 2012
Performance during the Docpoint - Helsinki Documentary Film Festival in Finland.
January 24th, 16:30 h, Starting point: Senaatintori, at the statue of Aleksateri II
November 2011
Performance during the International Youth Media Festival Youki 13
in Wels, Austria.
November 22th, 20:00h, Starting point: Welios – OÖ Science Center Wels
Performances in Chennai, India during Germany and India 2011-2012: Infinite Opportunities
Nov 23rd and 24th
Besant Nager Starting time: 19:00 h, Skating Ring at the Beach
Performances in Mumbai, India during Germany and India 2011-2012: Infinite Opportunities
Due to the special circumstances in Mumbai - crowded streets and security concerns - the events have been changed to talks about A Wall is a Screen with some film examples at various institutes and colleges.
Nov 16
2:00 pm Rizvi College of Architecture, Bandra (W)
6:00 pm Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Deona-CMCS, Adda-Screenings
Nov 17
4:00 pm Whistling Woods International Institute for Films, Media, Animation and Media Arts
6:30 pm Scool Grounds, Kandivali (tbc)
Performances in Delhi, India during Germany and India 2011-2012: Infinite Opportunities
November 8th and 10th
Start: 19:00 h Defence Colony Market
Performance during the exground Filmfestival in Wiesbaden, Germany
November 11th, 19:00h, Starting point: Caligari
October 2011
Performance during the International Filmfest Braunschweig, Germany
October 28th, 19:00 Uhr, Starting pont: Kohlmarkt
Performance in Hamburg, Germany during the Hamburg India Week
October 22nd, 19:00 h, Starting point: Rathausmarkt in front of Bucerius Kunst Forum
Performance in Jönköping, Sweden during the Jönköping Filmfestival
October 14th, 19:00 Uhr, Starting Point: Campus, Högskolan Jönköping
September 2011
Warm-up for the Independent Filmfest in Osnabrück, Germany
September 30, 20:00 h, Starting Point: Öwer de Hase / Georgstr.
Performance in Hamburg, Germany during the Reeperbahn Festival
September 24th, 20:00 h, Starting point: Spielbudenplatz Campus Tent in front of Schmidts Tivoli
A Wall is a Screen Maritime, Hamburg, Germany
A Wall is a Screen is taking a cruise through Hamburgs harbour, projecting films on ships, docks and waterfronts.
Available at all ticket outlets or through for € 7,- (excl. fees).
Tickets at the dock will be € 9,-.
September 9th and 10th 20:30 h and 23:00 h, Start: St. Pauli Landungsbrücken, Brücke 10
In cooperation with Maritime Circle Line and Denkmalschutzamt Hamburg
Performance in Neumünster, Germany during the Kunstflecken 2011 Festival
September 7th, Starting point: 20:30 h, Bürgergarten/Christianstr. 51-53
"Big Walls, Short Films" performance in Hamburg-Mümmelmannsberg, Germany
September 2nd, Starting point: 21:00 h Skulpturenhof / Kandinskyallee
July 2011
Performance during Dokufilmfest in Prizren, Kosovo
July 26th and 27th, Starting point: 21:00 at Sheshi i Shadervanit
June 2011
Performance in Czernowitz, Ukrainia in coperation with "Zentrum Gedankendach"
June 25th, Start: 21:30 h, Teatral'na Square
"FROM THE CITY TO THE CITY" Performance in Hamburg, Germany during the International Short Film Festival Hamburg
June 10th, Start: 22:30 h, CCH Main Entrance
May 2011
Performance in Cluj-Napoca, Romania during the Cluj-Days
May 30th, Start: 21:30 h, Piata Muzeului
"FROM THE CITY TO THE CITY" Performance in Hamburg, Germany as Warming-Up for the International Short Film Festival Hamburg
May 20th, Start: 22:30 h, CCH Main Entrance
Performance in Oslo, Norway
May 14th, Start: 21:00 h, Oslo Central Station
This tour is presented in cooperation with the Kortfilmfestivalen and the "Train of Ideas" from Hamburg, European Green Capital 2011.
Performance during the "Night of the Museums" in cooperation with the German Filmmuseum
in Frankfurt, Germany.
May 7th, Start: 22:00 h, Mainufer in front of "Deutsches Filmmuseum"
April 2011
Performance during the CPH PIX festival in
Copenhagen, Denmark
April 23rd, Start: 21:00 h, Nytorv Square
This tour is presented in cooperation with the "Train of Ideas" from Hamburg, European Green Capital 2011.
Performance during the Filmfest Dresden in Dresden, Germany.
April 14th, Start: 20:30 h, Schauburg
January 2011
Performance during Stuttgarter Filmwinter in Stuttgart, Germany,
January 22nd, Start: 19.00 h, Buchhaus "Wittwer" (Schlossplatz)
Performance during the kick-off for "Green Capital" in Hamburg, Germany,
January 14th, Start: 17:30 h, Spitalerstr./Barkhof (Mönckebergbrunnen)
November 2010
Performance during the International Youth Media Festival Youki 12
in Wels, Austria
November 19th, Start: 17:30 h, Minoritenplatz (in front of Stadtmuseum)
Performance during the exground Filmfestival in Wiesbaden, Germany
November 12th, Start: 21:00 h, in front of the Caligari cinema
Performances during the Alcine Film Festival.
Alcalá de Henares, Spain
November 4th + 6th: Alcalá de Henares, Starting point: 19.00h, Plaza de los Santos Niños; Cinema Cisneros
October 2010
Performances in cooperation with the Goethe Zentrum Hyderabad
in Hyderabad, India
October 28th and 29th: Start: 18:30 h in front of Chowmahalla Palace
Performance in Hamburg, Germany in cooperation with Hamburger Netzwerk Grundeinkommen
October 2nd, 20:00 h, Starting point: Rathausmarkt/Bucerius Kunstforum
September 2010
Performance in Hamburg, Germany during the Reeperbahn Festival
September 25th, 20:00 h, Starting point: Spielbudenplatz Campus Tent in front of Schmidts Tivoli
Warm-up for the Independent Filmfest in Osnabrück, Germany
September 25th, 20:00 h, Starting Point: Theater Osnabrück, Domhof
Performance in Almelo, Netherlands in cooperation with the Independent Filmfest Osnabrück
September 24th, 21:00 h, Starting Point: Bibliotheek aant Baken, Almelo / NL
Performance in Hamburg-Harburg, Germany with films by students from Hamburgs schools.
September 17th, 20:15 h Starting point: Kunsthafen/Frauenkulturhaus, Neue Strasse 59
A Wall is a Screen Maritime, Hamburg, Germany
A Wall is a Screen is taking a cruise through Hamburgs harbour, projecting films on ships, docks and waterfronts.
September 10th and 11th 20:30 h and 23:00 h, Start: St. Pauli Landungsbrücken, Brücke 10
In cooperation with Maritime Circle Line and Denkmalschutzamt Hamburg
"Big Walls, Short Films" performance in Hamburg-Mümmelmannsberg, Germany
September 3rd, Starting point: 21:00 h Skulpturenhof / Kandinskyallee
Performance for the 10th anniversary of FLAKS in Hamburg, Germany
September 2nd, 21:00 h, Starting point: FLAKS, Alsenplatz
August 2010
Performance in Zürich, Switzerland celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Rote Fabrik
August, 28th, 21:00h, Starting point: Kaufhaus Globus Lintheschergasse
Performance during Dokufilmfest in Prizren, Kosovo
August 4th, Starting point: 21:00 at Sheshi i Shadervanit
July 2010
Performance in Zürich, Switzerland celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Rote Fabrik
July 10th, 22:00h, Starting point: Kaufhaus Globus Lintheschergasse
June 2010
Performance during the 9th Media-Space in Stuttgart, Germany
June 25th, Starting point: 22:30, Palast der Republik / Lautenschlägerstr.
30 years Filmförderung in Hamburg
Performance during the "altonale" in Hamburg, Germany
June 18th, Starting point: 22:30 h at the corner of Max-Brauer-Allee and Neue Große Bergstraße
Performance during the International ShortFilmFestival Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany,
"YOU AND YOUR WORLD" in St. Georg,
June 3rd, Starting point: 22:30 h "Borgesch" behind the Schauspielhaus
May 2010
Performance during the conference "Performing Tangiers" hosted by the International Centre for Performance Studies" in Tanger, Morocco
May 22nd, Starting point: 21:00 h, Place: Kashba
"YOU AND YOUR WORLD" Warming up for the International ShortFilmFestival Hamburg in cooperation with the "Explosion" event of the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg
May 14th, Starting point 22:00 h: "Borgesch" behind the Schauspielhaus
April 2010
Performance during the Night of Museums, in cooperation with "Deutsches Filmmuseum" in Frankfurt,
24th of April, Starting point: 22:00 h, waterfront Main, close to Filmmuseum, Schaumainkai 41
February 2010
Anchor Point A Wall is a Screen: Short film screening,
topic "Gentrification" in Hamburg,
February 26th, 20:30 h in the factory at the Gängeviertel
January 2010
Performance during the Bamberger Kurzfilmtage in Bamberg, Germany,
January 12th, Starting point: 19.00 h "Gabelmann" (Grüner Markt)
November 2009
Performance during the exground film festival in Wiesbaden, Germany
November 13th, Starting point: 21:00 h, Caligari cinema, Marktplatz 9,
Performance during the Interfilm Short Film Festival, theme: 20 years Fall of the wall. Berlin, Germany
November 7th, Starting point: 18:00 h, Tränenpalast
Performance during the Alcine Film Festival.
Alcalá de Henares and Madrid, Spain
November 6th: Madrid, Starting point: 22:00 h at Teatro Real (opposite of the royal palace)
November 7th: Alcalá de Henares, Starting point: 19:30 h at Calle Mayor (close to Plaza de Cervantes)
Performance during the Congress of Modern Dance, Kampnagel.
Hamburg, Germany
November 5th, Starting point: 17.30 h at Jungfernstieg, Alsteranleger
Performance during the Week of Culture in Bucharest, Romania
November 1st, Starting Point: 19.00 h, Piata 21 decembrie 1989, next to Piata Universitatii
October 2009
Performance in Odessa, Ukraine
October 29th, Starting point: 19.00 h, Torgovaja Str. 2 ( Corner of Boulevard Iskustv)
Warming up for the "Unabhängige Filmfest Osnabrück" in Osnabrück,
10.10.2009, 19.30 h at "Domplatz"
Performances in Ankara (Turkey), 6th and 7th of october
Meeting point 20:30 in front of Mimarlar Odas? Konur Sok.
Performances in Koblenz, 2th- 4th of october
Starting point: "Deutsches Eck" at 20 h
September 2009
Performance for the 40th anniversary of Steilshoop,
Friday, 25th of September, Hamburg - Steilshoop, Germany
Meeting point: Martin-Luther-King-Church, Gründgensstraße 28, 20:30
Performance for a school project Stadt(t)räume
Friday, 18th of September, Hamburg – Harburg, Germany
Meeting point: 20:15 across the Harburg town hall
Performance during the "open monument day" in Hamburg, Germany 12.09.2008
Starting point: St. Katharinen (Katharinenkirchhof 1) at 21.00
Performance in Hamburg-Mümmelmannsberg, Germany
Big Walls, short Films, friday, 04.09.2009
21:30, Skulpturenhof / Kandinskyallee 20
August 2009
Performance during the Jazz-Picnic of Elbjazz, 23.08.2009, 21:00;
Fix projection: Marco-Polo-Terrassen
Performance during the "International summer theatre festival", Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany
21th and 22th of August. Start at 21:30, Domplatz, Hamburg
July 2009
Performance in Osijek, Croatia, 25th of July
Starting point: "Galerija Waldinger", Fakultetska 7 at 21.30 h
June 2009
Performances during the 25th International ShortFilmFestival Hamburg
"Ideal Illusions 25/50" meeting the City Nord - Sat, 16th of May & Fri, 5th of June 2009, Start at 22.30 h, Überseering 4
// Bus: Line 23, Stop „Dakarweg (Sozialgerichte)“ - close to S-Bahn „Rübenkamp“ (Lines 1 and 11) und U-Bahn Stop „Sengelmannstraße“ (U1)
May 2009
Performance in Wolfsburg, Germany
May, 30rd. Start at 22:30 at the Phaeno Science Center. After the tour, the shortfilms BÜHNE:WOLFSBURG und SCHON NACHMITTAG will have their Niedersachsen opening night at the Cinemaxx Wolfsburg.
Performance in Berlin, Germany during the "open house" of the Hamburg Landesvertretung at the festivities for 60 years Federal Republic of Germany
Berlin, May, 23rd, Start: 22:00, Hamburger Landesvertretung at the corner of Jägerstrasse/Mauerstrasse
Performances during the 25th International ShortFilmFestival Hamburg, Germany
"Ideal Illusions 25/50" meeting the City Nord - Sat, 16th June 2009, Start at 22.30 h, Überseering 4
// Bus: Line 23, Stop „Dakarweg (Sozialgerichte)“ - close to S-Bahn „Rübenkamp“ (Lines 1 and 11) und U-Bahn Stop „Sengelmannstraße“ (U1)
Performance during the exhibition "PLAYING THE CITY" of the Schirn Kunsthalle (21.4. to 6.5.2009);
Frankfurt, Germany
A Wall is a Screen takes place at 1st und 2nd of May 2009.
Start 21:30, MyZeil, Zeil 106
April 2009
Performance during Sensoria - Festival, Sheffield, UK
28th of April 2009, Time 9pm, Venue / Meet outside Showroom Cinema entrance Paternoster Row S1 2BX
Performance during the International Women’s Film Festival Dortmund|Cologne
April 25th, 2009: Dortmund, Germany
Meet up outside the Schauburg at 22.00 h
Performance during Filmfest Dresden, 17th of April 2009
Dresden, Germany
meeting point: Dresden main station, at 20:30
Performance in Hamburg, Lurup, 9th of April 2009
Hamburg, Germany
In cooperation with KurzFilmSchule Hamburg and the elementary school Langbargheide
meeting point: Langbargheide 15, 20:30
March 2009
Performances during the South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas, USA,
18. - 20. March 2009
various locations around 6th street
Meet us at the SXSW Trade Show at the Austin Convention Center (Booth 310):
Thursday March 19th: 2 - 3 pm, Friday 20th: 1 - 2 pm
December 2008
Performance in Hamburg, Germany on the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, together with the Peace Brigade International,
10th of December 2008, Start at the Rathausmarkt, Hamburg, 18:00
November 2008
Performence during the exground film festival in Wiesbaden, Germany
22. November 2008, Start at the Caligari, Marktplatz 9, 20:00
Performance during STADT MACHT KUNST in Hannover, Germany
15. November 2008, Start at the Pariser Platz, 19:00
Performance during AlCINE, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Madrid, 5. November 2008 at 20:30, Start at "Plaza de Lavapiés", Teatro Valle Inclán and Alcalá de Henares, 8. November at 19:30, Start at Calle Mayor (close to Plaza de Cervantes)
October 2008
Performance during "Nuit Blanche" in Brighton, UK
Start at the Pump House, South Lanes, 20:00
Performance in cooperation with the Rote Hilfe Hamburg,
Hamburg, Germany 17.10.2008. Start at 19:00 at the "Piazza", Schulterblatt
Performance during the "Cultural Feast for Unity Day" in Hamburg, Germany
03.10.2008 and 04.10.2008, Meeting Point: 20.30, Magellan Terrassen, Hafencity
September 2008
Warming up for the Unabhängige Filmfest Osnabrück in Osnabrück,
20.09.2008, 20:30, Meeting Point: Universitätsbücherei Alte Münze
Performance during the "open monument day" in Hamburg, 13.09.2008
Meeting Point 20.30 Nicolaikirche, 21:00 Start A Wall is a Screen
Performance in Hamburg-Mümmelmannsberg, Germany
Big Walls, short Films, friday, 05.09.2008
at 21:30, Skulpturenhof / Kandinskyallee 20
Performance during Dokufilmfest Prizren, Kosovo, 07.08.2008 and 08.08.2008, Sheshi i Shadervanit, 21:00
June 2008
Performance during the Biennale Bonn, Germany
14.06.2008 and 15.06.2008
22:30, Sterntor
Performance during the International Short Film Festival Hamburg, Germany
06.06.2008, 22:30, Saturn Mönckebergstraße (U+S Hauptbahnhof)
May 2008
Warming up for the International Short Film Festival Hamburg, Germany
Hamburg, 24.05.2008, 22:30, Saturn Mönckebergstraße (U+S Hauptbahnhof)
November 2007
LUX International Festival of Lights, Vilnius, Lithuania
11. November, 17:30, Green Bridge
(intersection of Up?s St. and Kalvariju St)
October 2007
Cork Filmfestival, Cork, Ireland
16h of october, 7:30 pm, Emmet Place
Urban Screens in Manchester, UK
Friday, Oct 12, 9 pm
Start location: outside KRO Picadilly
September 2007
Interfilm Berlin, Germany
DVD - Präsentation "Kurz in Berlin"
4th of september, fountain Alexanderplatz, 21:00
August 2007
Performance in Hamburg-Muemmelmannsberg, Germany
big walls, short films, 31.08.07, 21:30
July 2007
End2End Graffiti film festival Hamburg, Germany
27th of july
Neue Große Bergstraße
right around the corner of the Hafenklang-Exil Club, 22:15
work in progress in Osnabrück; Germany
Performance on the 5th of july
June 2007
Performances during "Instant Urbanism", Basel, Switzerland
22th and 23th of june
23th International Shortfilm Festival Hamburg. Germany
Performances during the festival on
friday, 8th of june 2007 and saturday, 9 th of june 2007, 22:15
Graskeller (bridge), S- Stadthausbrücke, U-Rödingsmarkt
December 2006
Performance during Störungen, Kulturhaus 73, Schulterblatt 73, Hamburg, Germany
in friday, 08.12.06
September 2006
Performance for the independent film festival
in Osnabrueck, Germany
saturday, 30.09.06
Performances during the Reeperbahn-Festival in Hamburg, Germany
22.09.06 und 23.09.06, 20:30, Spielbudenplatz
Performances during Kunstherbst Berlin, Germany
16.09.06 and 17.09.06, Kurfürstendamm
Performances in Zurich, Switzerland
09.09.06, a wall is a screen: screen down asylgesetz
August 2006
Performances during the C/O Pop in Cologne, Germany
Saturday, 26.08.06 and Sunday, 27.08.06, 22:00, Domplatte/ römisch-germanisches Museum
June 2006
22th International Short Film Festival Hamburg, Germany
two performances during the festival:
Tour of horror in collaboration with 13th Street:
Friday, June 2th, Kleine Marienstraße (Nobistor), 22:15.
Saturday, June 3th, Van - Smissen-Straße, 22:15
October 2005
performance during the independent film festival
in Osnabrueck, Germany
saturday, 08.10.05
performance together with "mauerstreifen" in Leipzig, Germany
during the dokLeipzig,
thursday, 06.10.05
August 2005
Performance in Hamburg-Mümmelmannsberg, Germany
big walls, short films, friday 19.08.05
Performance during the attac - summeracademy
in Goettingen, Germany
friday 12.08.05
June 2005
21tst Hamburg International Short Film Festival
two performances during the festival in Hamburg, Germany
thursday, juny 9th
saturday, juny 11th
June 2004
20th Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
two performances during the festival:
thursday, june 10th
sunday, june 13th
we start 22:30 at cinemaxx dammtor (s-bahn dammtor)
February 2004
workshop during the Berlinale in conjunction with the Goethe-Institut in Berlin, Germany
"Offers and ideas for the work with short films"
11.Februar 2004
June 2003
19th Hamburg International Short Film Festival in Hamburg, Germany
two performances during the festival
May 2003
Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg:
in conjunction with a series of events called »Gocreateresistance«
on the topic of »public space«